Disease Prevention is Health

The number one killer on our list, is the disease everyone calls "cancer". Cancer is a class of diseases in which certain cells exhibit uncontrolled growth, invasion or metastasis. This disease can affect any age and is responsible for 13% of all deaths. According to the American Cancer Society 7.6 million people died from various cancers in 2007 alone.

Number two on the list is Stroke. This involves the rapid progression of loss of brain function that is cause by a disturbance in the blood supply to the bran. This is responsible for 10% of deaths worldwide and is the second leading cause of death in the western world.

Now, number 3 on our list is none other than heart disease. This is an umbrella term for many different kinds of illnesses that affect the heart. Statistics from 2007 show that it is the leading cause of death in Canada, Wales, the United States, and England. And in the United States alone, one person dies every 34 seconds from heart disease.

Now that we have identified the top three diseases, what can be done to prevent them? Well, there are many disease preventions tips that you can use. Beginning with exercise and improving your physical fitness. An easy 30 minute walk can increase your level of health. If you can't do thirty continuous minutes, try dividing it into three brisk 10 minute walks a day. Whatever level of exercise you are capable of you must do, for exercise is a sure way to live longer.

Another healthful tip is to control your stress. A quick hug from your partner every day before work can help calm you for the rest of the day. Crying can also lesson your stress because it boosts your immune system, helps eliminate depression, reduces levels of stress hormones, and helps you think more clearly. Also, two times a day breathe deeply for three to six minutes. These may seem like simple tips but they are very effective, so be sure to do them.

One more tip is to sleep well. Using a pillow with an indentation in the center, eating walnuts before bed, and spraying your pillow with lavender water can all promote relaxation. Sleep is so important for overall great health and restores the balance of the body every day.

Lastly, one of the most important prevention tips is to have a good diet. Maintaining a good and healthy diet is one of the most effective ways to prevent disease. Losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight will help prevent heart attacks as well as, high blood pressure, arthritis and certain types of cancers. One way to maintain a healthy weight is to eat more low energy-dense foods such as vegetables and fruit. When choosing the vegetables and fruit to eat keep in mind those deep green veggies like broccoli, spinach and kale can prevent colon cancer. You also should eat a lot of carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, plums, red tomatoes, eggplants, cherries and blueberries. Having a good diet also means eating whole grains, fat-free or low fat milk products, lean meats, beans, nuts, eggs, fish, and poultry, while avoiding foods that are high in sodium, cholesterol, saturated fats, and added sugars. So if you are serious about living longer then follow these tips to prevent disease and you will be able to reap the benefits of a longer and healthier life.

Medical Treatment of Mycotic (Fungal)

Fungal nail infections are ugly and embarrassing. They are common and easy to catch, but very hard to get rid of.

Unfortunately most people ignore them considering fungal nails a cosmetic nuisance. Fungus could be a minor bother for a while, but if left untreated, the infection will get worse: nails may grow so thick, you will feel discomfort wearing closed toe shoes, nails may separate from toes (onycholysis), the matrix can get permanently damaged (onychodystrophy)... Long story short, onychomycosis is a serious disease, which requires medical attention and a comprehensive treatment.

Nail fungus (Onychomycosis) is the most common nail disease, and over 30 million in the U.S. alone suffer from this condition. About 50% of the population over 45 years of age has nail infections. Some have battled fungi for decades. Treatment of Onychomycosis is challenging because the infection resides in the hard-to-reach area under the nail, called the nail bed.

Topical anti-fungal solutions cannot get there. Oral medications cannot target this specific area and may be toxic and hard on the liver. New laser-assisted therapies are being developed and a growing number of foot doctors in the U.S. report excellent clinical results. To maximize the efficacy, laser treatments should be combined with a complete and comprehensive program.

Typically at least two laser treatments of all toes with a focus on the badly infected ones are required. Patients need to use a UV shoe sanitizer (yes, we have to treat all shoes to kill fungus and bacteria), a strong topical medication as well as a care regimen for prevention of re-infection. This comprehensive course of treatment is safe, non-toxic, pain-free and highly effective.

Thanks to its ability to pass through the nail and kill fungi in the nail bed, laser light is the only modality available today, which allows practitioners to address the very cause of the disease. While the high intensity light and thermal damage delivered to the target by the laser is lethal for the fungi, it is safe for the surrounding skin. In fact, these same lasers are used for new collagen growth in anti-aging aesthetic procedures and may stimulate the growth of new, healthy and fungus free nails, which will gradually replace the old ones.

Patients with mycotic nails are very susceptible to re-infections. The fungus is everywhere in the environment of the people with Onychomycosis. Therefore, the complex decontamination and preventive care regimen are critical for the success of the treatment.

Hypertension - Medical Treatment

Possible Drug Combinations

The treatment is an initial immunotherapy with a drug in response is inadequate, as multiple combinations. Drug of first choice for drug therapy are ACE inhibitors, AT1 antagonists, beta blockers, diuretics and calcium antagonists. The choice depends on the age and comorbidities of the individual. ACE-inhibitors reduce the synthesis of pressor angiotensin II and thus the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Angiotensin-1 receptor antagonists share the same system at another point on; they prevent the effects of angiotensin II at the angiotensin-1 receptor (AT1 receptor).

They are sometimes better tolerated than ACE inhibitors. In the case of beta-blockers agents from the group of β-1 are selective agents used. The β 1-receptors are localized at the heart of their resistance is lowered over the decrease in cardiac output of the heart, blood pressure. Diuretics, preferred by the thiazide-type, create an on increasing fluid secretion in the kidney, a reduction in volume in the vascular system and subsequently decrease in blood pressure. Calcium antagonists reduce the nifedipine-type vascular tone in the arteries.

These drug groups are considered with regard to mortality reduction as therapeutically equivalent.As regards the impact on the total number of organ complications (stroke, heart attack, heart failure), but there is a heterogeneous study situation. Means the second choice are alpha blockers, potassium, α2-agonists and NO donors.

Refractory Hypertension

Refractory hypertension is defined as hypertension, consists of three or more despite treatment with high-pressure medications, including at least one diuretic, is not in the target area. Approximately 20-30% of hypertensive therapy resistance is particularly in advanced age or obesity. Often, the resistance to therapy, a secondary high-pressure form is based. The most common cause is a hyperaldosteronism, other causes include obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, chronic renal disease, renal artery stenosis or pheochromocytoma. All patients with refractory hypertension should, therefore, the aldosterone /renin ratio are determined to avoid including hyperaldosteronism, even if the serum is-potassium normal. Addition of spironolactone in low doses (25 mg / day) or amiloride to standard therapy in most cases reach the therapy-resistant hypertension, hypotension, irrespective of the amount of the aldosterone / renin ratio. Common side effect of spironolactone is breast tenderness, which occurs in 10% of treated men. The risk of hyperkalemia is low because of the serious consequences but is potassium controls needed, especially in patients with chronic kidney disease, diabetes, elderly, or coadministration of an ACE inhibitor or AT1 antagonists.

Use Effective Herbs for Liver Diseases - Natural Cures

The term Liver disease, also known as hepatic disease refers to all kinds of disorders related to our liver. As for instance, diseases like hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis, budd-chiari syndrome, gilbert's syndrome, etc are all come under the same term.

One can identify their diseased liver from a number of symptoms that are common to almost every type of disorders that affects the liver. The most usual ones are coated tongue, sweating, annoying body odor, dark circles just below eyes, acne, etc. Besides, other critical symptoms can also be noticed in the form of jaundice, bone loss, matured gallbladder and so on. Liver, being a very important organ of our body if affected by any of the mentioned disorders, may lead to its failure or sometime can pose the risk of life too when not treated carefully.

Useful herbs: There are a number of herbs available that can treat hepatic or liver disease successfully. Let's now have a look at them.

1. Milk thistle: According to medical studies, it is one of the best herbs available that can treat almost all kinds of liver disorders effectively. Its biological name is Silybum marianum. The most important medicinal parts of milk thistle are its seeds or fruits because of the abundance of a compound called Silymarin that has the ability to protect your liver from the adverse effects of toxins like drugs, chemotherapy, etc. Moreover, it can help in the regeneration of damaged liver cells too. Here the sentence of caution is that milk thistle can be effective in case of general disorders of liver and also in treating the hepatic disease symptoms, but it is not wise to depend completely on it, especially if you are suffering from chronic liver disease!

2. Licorice: It is another important herb with anti-viral properties used to treat liver disorders. Also known as Glycirrhiza, licorice roots are proven to be hepatoprotectant as well can improve digestive functions too. It is mainly suggested by professionals in case of hepatitis B or hepatitis C patients. However, unlike milk-thistle, licorice has some side-effects and therefore, should not be used more than six weeks.

3. Chamomile: It is a Eurasian plant with apple-scented foliage and white-rayed flowers and feathery leaves. Chamomile is popular for its calming as well soothing features and is very useful in different type of diseases, especially in liver disease. Like milk-thistle, it can also be beneficial in regeneration of liver cells.

4. Dandelion: You can also use dandelion roots and flowers as an herbal remedy for liver disease. It has a good percentage of potassium and other important medicinal properties that can help in detoxifying blood as well in the proper secretion of bile from liver. However, it may have side-effects like allergy if used with other diuretics.

5. Chicory: This herb can also help you fighting liver disorders like jaundice, biliary stasis, etc. Because of the presence of medicinal compounds, chicory juice has the ability to stimulate the bile secretion removing obstructions if any.

These herbs are really very important if you want to treat liver or hepatic disease and related symptoms at homely environment. However, in case of chronic disorders you must consult any physician before using them. Liver is not only an important organ, but also sensitive enough. Therefore, any single side-effect can also lead to a severe problem, and it's always wise to consult professionals in order to treat liver diseases properly.

Heart Disease in Women: The Number One Killer

To understand the seriousness of heart disease in women, we need to first look at the facts. According to recent studies, it's found that more than 8 million American women are currently living with some form of heart disease. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death of American women and more women than men die of heart disease each year.

Heart disease in women can be diagnosed and treated but the key to staying healthy is prevention. Once a woman finds out that she has heart disease, it may already be too late. Chances are, that woman has engaged in several risk factors throughout her lifetime that contributed to her contracting the disease. Such risk factors that increase the risk of heart disease in women include cigarette smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, not being active, diabetes and obesity.

Women need to understand that these risk factors need to be avoided as much as possible because they are so susceptible to the disease. Heart disease in women doesn't need to be as much of an epidemic it has become. With just a few lifestyle changes, all women can once more live long and healthy lives without the risk for heart disease.

Of course, there are other risk factors that increase the risk for heart disease in women that can't be helped. These risk factors include age, heredity, the effects of menopause, etc. By knowing this, women should arm themselves with as much information as they can so that they can know just what they are dealing with.

Heart disease in women doesn't need to have such a high morality rate.

By adopting a few lifestyle changes such as getting more exercise, eating right, quitting smoking and reducing stress levels, women can drastically reduce the propensity for heart disease. This is important not only for heart disease but for other diseases as well.

Heart disease in women does claim many lives each and every year but the disease can be manageable and preventable. Women need to study and learn as much as they can. They need to be educated. Not many women know that they have such a high probability of getting the disease. All women need to know that they have a greater risk of getting the disease than men. By understanding and knowing this, women will have a step up on this horrible disease and, maybe one day, heart disease in women will be a thing of the past.