Child Allergy

Child Allergy
environment and health
WHAT IS IT?An allergy is defined as a situation in which altered reactive capacity of the organism, which responds in an exaggerated fashion to a substance other individuals who normally do not react. The general health of the individual depends on its ability to respond.

If you respond well speak in general terms that the patient has good defenses.
If the mechanisms are low, we speak of immune deficiency.But if the mechanisms are altered, we have an allergic reaction, therefore we can say that allergy is a defense mechanism.

The air we breathe to be found in the plant pollens, house dust, molds and animal hair.
Foods like fish, eggs and nuts.
Drugs such as penicillin and aspirin.
Insect stings like a bee.Cosmetics and industrial products that make contact with the skin.The difference between an allergen is a substance that causes allergy and bacterial or viral antigen is that while a defense one, another cause flu, and allergies are genetically predisposed person, that is, not every person with allergies, unless exposed to too much of an allergen and is genetically predisposed. The allergy is not a congenital disease, not born with it.

SYMPTOMSThe organs most affected are the nose, eyes, respiratory system and skin, ie organs that are exposed to the environment and symptoms vary depending on the organ affected.

Gastrointestinal: diarrhea can occur and abdominal pain.
Eyes: redness may occur.
Nose: it has a watery mucus secretion and itching.
Skin: rashes appear.
Lungs: there is a blockage of the bronchi.
The allergic reaction in the eye is called conjunctivitis, in the nose, runny nose on the skin may have dermatitis, in the airways, there may be bronchitis, laryngitis and asthma.
PREVENTIONIf not treated in time, allergies can be progressive, so prevention is very important and one of our campaigns is to prevent allergic diseases. During pregnancy you should avoid exposure to snuff. Also need to sensitize our children about the risks associated with snuff.

Another preventive measure is to avoid possible exposure to environmental allergens. Dr. Huerta said that in our country less than half of allergy sufferers are treated by doctors, and other cases are treated by pharmacists, acupuncturists, herbalists and gossips. Only 1% of allergic patients have been seen by a doctor otolaryngologist, 1% by an allergist, 1% by a neurologist, and 20% for a pediatrician.If an allergy sufferer is not treated properly, it can be lack of information.

The Mexican Foundation for the Study and Dissemination of Allergy, is created because * Allergic rhinitis affects more than 66 million people worldwide. * Because the overall cost per year of medications, consultations and lost work time exceeds 20 billion. * Because the cost of drugs for allergy is estimated at 8 billion dollars worldwide. * Because the peak prevalence is seasonal allergy in adolescence and early adulthood. * For those who suffer from some type of allergy can find a better quality of life through effective educational programs on proper care of the allergy. * For we must all raise awareness about the types of allergy, treatment and management.

DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENTToday, allergies can be treated in three ways:

Rational and scientific use of drugs. The drugs are divided into two groups, preventive and symptomatic. Preventive medications. As its name implies prevent, but do not remove the symptoms. Inhaled steroids are the most effective and generally have zero adverse effects. The antireocuteranos are those that are fashionable, and we can mention the drug montelukast is a recently acquired in the treatment of allergies and allergic asthma. Symptomatic medications. They are soothing the symptoms but not cure, for example: antihistamines, corticosteroids, bronchodilators and antibiotics. Today we have a number of antihistamines called second and third generation, which have the advantage of not causing depression in the central nervous system, do not sleep, do not alter the concentration of children in schools, and also be used for a long time without risk.

Environmental Control. Something very important is trying to control the environment as possible, so we must avoid house dust, temperature changes, smoking, and that if parents smoke, children are never going to cure the allergy.

Anti-allergy vaccine. Allergy shots have already been accepted by the World Health Organization. At the National Institute of Pediatrics, prepare vaccines, which are applied at very low cost. Anti-allergy vaccines do work, and it is important to mention because there are some doctors that say lack of updated information that the vaccine does not work, but we have obtained very good results.
PROGNOSISThere are two methods:

Skin tests are performed by escamificación, ie it makes a small little scratch on the skin and then put the corresponding allergen and depending on the skin response at 30 minutes or two hours we decide whether the patient is allergic and what is your allergy .

In vitro diagnostic tests. Is the scraping of the determination of allergy antibody called IgE. specific allergy to investigate this case and has evolved considerably, and we now have "more-system", which is a very accessible method is not expensive, and with it we can determine that the patient is allergic to a sample blood, and with this test and skin tests are not done.

Patients with asthma are doing pulmonary function tests to see how well your airways. In recent years, patients with gastrointestinal symptoms and asthma, we applied a pH-metry, ie a sensor is placed, to see how is the ph of your stomach and found that many young children are difficult to control GERD sufferers nasal overnight with food in the stomach into the bronchi will therefore never heal are always sick, but if we treat stomach also resolve breathing problems. This type of allergy is a condition usually associated with reflux and is usually given to babies.