
Syphilis - a disease that is caught by having sexual relationship with an infected person. Also, it may be spread by blood. Despite that this disease is quite rare in western countries (effective treatment, early diagnostics), syphilis is still frequent in the tropics and subtropics.


Syphilis is caused by a bacteria called Treponema pallidum. This bacteria is caught by having sex with an infected person, also, by contact with blood and other liquids of an infected body (especially during the second stage, when syphilitic rash is present on the infected body). In addition, an infected pregnant woman may pass the infection to her baby through placenta.


The incubation period of syphilis averagely lasts 21 days (minimum 10 days - maximum - 3 months). After this period the first stage of syphilis (primary syphilis) begins. During the first stage, a small ulcer with tough edges appears on the spot which had a direct contact with the partner''s ulcer. It may be penis, vagina, cervix or even rectum and anus as well as other parts of the body. The ulcer is called chancre. It is not painful and very often the patients do not notice it. Syphilitic chancre is accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes, most often - in the groin. If not treated, these symptoms dissapear in a month.

Secondary syphilis (second stage) starts in 2 - 3 months after the infection (even if the chancre is still present). This stage starts with a sore throat, high fever, general weakness and other symptoms that remind of flu. Also, the whole body (especially mouth, soles, palms) covers with syphilitic rash. During this period the patient is extremely infectious. The infection might be passed by direct (not only sexual) contant with an infected person. Some patiens become bold, others suffer from renal disorders, gastritis, hepatitis, meningitis and other dysfunctions.

Sometimes syphilis causes no symptoms. This kind of the disease is called latent syphilis.

If not treated, syphilis develops into the third stage, o tertiary syphilis. The disease might affect any organ or part of the body: eyes, heart, nervous system, etc. The patient may suffer from mental and neurological problems. This stage may last up to several decades.

Neurosyphilis is an individual type of syphilis. Although extremely rare, it may start at the first stage of the infection. This form of syphilis damages the brain and causes mental disorders, paralysis, meningitis.

Another individual form of the infection is congenital syphilis. In that case, the infection is transmitted to a fetus through the placenta. This form of the disease may cause premature birth, death of the fetus, hydrocephalia. In a few years, the baby may start suffering from brain damage, haematological or hepatic diseases, hearing and vision abnormalities, bone damage etc.


The most popular tests are:

* Microscopic or immunofuorescensic Treponema pallidum tests.
* Serological tests (TPHA, RPR, VDRL).
* All these patients might have HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.


The most effective syphilis treatment is penicilin. Especially penicilin G. The treatment usually lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.

Syphilis - a disease that is caught by having sexual relationship with an infected person. Also, it may be spread by blood. Despite that this disease is quite rare in western countries (effective treatment, early diagnostics), syphilis is still frequent in the tropics and subtropics.