healthy lungs

Kenna is strong. She's a fighter. And yesterday, we learned just how much.

We spoke with the neonatalogist that was there for her delivery, the one who miraculously managed to intubate her.

doctor: Kenna is strong. She's tough. Most babies wouldn't have survived all that she has.

That's the general consensus. He assures me that they are all rooting for her. He tells me that they are going to do whatever it takes.

The problem is that in some cases, they have done all they can do.

It's all on Kenna now. She has to be the one to fix some of these problems. The arteries in her lungs are still hard and need to soften. Her lungs are still too stiff and they need to be flexible to accommodate the air. Her PDA needs to close. And most of all...she needs to poop.

Yes, they have done all they can in that department. She isn't pooping. The doctor described her bowels as 'still as stone.' And they won't start feeding her if there's a possibility that it can kill her. So, they want her to poop on her own, to rid her self of the meconium.

I may have a solution to the poop problem. When I tried to change Keenan's diaper in the incubator, it really stimulated his bowels. He pooped for what seemed like forever. And by the time his nurse had returned, I had a pile of wipes and two soiled diapers for her.

Maybe Kenna just needs some Mommy attention. I'll gladly give it. I am dying to be more involved, to touch her. And I need her lungs to improve so I can hold her.

So, we're praying for poop and envisioning bowels unloading meconium. We're praying for healthy lungs and picturing perfect healthy lungs filling effortlessly with air. And we'd be so thrilled if you would, too.

On the bright side, both eyes work. I have seen them. And they are beautiful.